This summer’s done; in the last issue of Trio I commented on the amazing period of hot, dry weather we’d been experiencing and now it’s autumn. And the visitor numbers to the parish have become a trickle rather than a flood.

I’ve been able to look at some of the projects which have taken a back seat for some time. Including the War Memorial, trying to find a suitable way to incorporate the omitted names. Proposals and quotes have been sought from stone masons and bronze casting companies. When there’s something constructive to share I’ll make sure the information’s available.

The project to refurbish the loos on Roscarrock Hill is moving forward and a planning application has been submitted to Cornwall Council. When it’s granted it means the much needed overhaul to the loos can go ahead.

There’s been a lot of small tasks undertaken over the last month which I regard as a sort of Parish ‘housework’ to try and keep on top of things. This includes the regular litter picking on the beaches and whenever I’m walking around. A couple of larger items were removed; a huge chunk of concrete on Back Hill and a long rusted metal bar from under a bench on Port Gaverne Hill. I’ve no idea where these things had come from, but they have gone now. Trimming back hedges with my trusty secateurs, checking on the Leat in Middle Street and reporting issues to Cornwall Council for their attention, this month including what looks like oil in one of the highway drains, as well as notifying the Countryside Access Team of missing or misleading footpath signage.

Unfortunately, this department informed me there are no funds available for this sort of work, they’ll add them to their list! Although, I should receive some way-markers soon, so can at least replace missing ones which will assist walkers finding the correct paths where they can be confusing or not in clear sight.

Over the past month I’ve also been collecting dead seabirds which have washed up on the beaches at Port Isaac and Port Gaverne and checking the beaches at Port Quin and Pine Awn. Although, the advice from DEFRA and Cornwall Council is not to touch them, to try to reduce the risk bird flu being spread. It doesn’t seem right when there are families with children and dogs merrily enjoying themselves in full view of a bloated dead gannet! So I’ve been very careful on how I tackle this job and the birds are double bagged and reported to Cornwall Council for them to collect. Any dead animals can be reported to Cornwall Council, on their website, for their safe disposal or you can contact me and I’ll report them.

The issues with the Leat seem to have settled down now the summer holidays are over, so the  likely suspects were probably holiday makers having a jolly jape and messing about with the gate. However, I’ll keep checking it to make sure there’s no other issues.

I’ve attended a few meetings, including one with a Highway Steward from Cornwall Council who’s brain I raided regarding lots of things around the parish, like resurfacing of some of the roads, the repair to the culvert in Middle Street and signage. He was specifically here to give advice on a couple of bus shelters which should be erected in the foreseeable future. One on the grass verge near the school and the other on the B3314 near the turning to Trelights, to help the children who wait there for the school bus.

As for resurfacing, several roads are on the list and will be done when the budget permits, but don’t hold your breath and the same goes for the repair to the culvert in Middle Street too. The funds for this have to be applied for from central Government, once the designs for the work have been submitted and agreed.

However, the Highways Steward and myself took a tour around Trelights, while we were in that neck of the woods, to inspect the new ‘Trelights’ and 30mph signs on all roads into the village.

As I mentioned in the last Trio the little hut and slide is due to have  a bit of TLC. I’m hoping this will have been started and maybe even finished by the time this issue is published. There were a

few small repairs carried out, in the play area, after the last inspection, in September. The fencing around the space is looking a little tired and I’ve been asked to look into either having a new wooden, galvanised or ‘not cold to touch’ railings. Or to have the existing one refurbished.

Outside the school the railings there which were badly bent have been replaced. It wasn’t done before the new school term, but not long after.

Is it time for toilet talk?! I think it is! Last month I reported a problem with all the doors at the Main car park loos. A very helpful engineer attended, it took him over an hour and half to sort them out. In a way this made me feel better about calling him out! I know the Parish Council will receive a bill for the visit, but at last he didn’t just switch the system off and on again and be on his way in 5 minutes. Especially as the company, one of the nearest with technicians to carry out this kind of work, had to come from Wiltshire!

At Roscarrock Hill one of the Gents toilet doors has had a new bolt attached. The accessible loo door has had the electrical catch pulled completely off. This is something that Cormac take care for the Parish Council. However, having requested a repair and explaining the problem, a carpenter was sent out. Another visit is due with an electrician and I’ve tried to ensure they bring the right parts and have some wood working skills too. Fingers crossed it should be done by now!

All the hand sanitiser units have been taken down from each of the toilet blocks. It seemed time for them to be removed.

One final matter with the loos; there was no cleaning over the Bank Holiday weekend at the end of August and for the following few days. The amazing regular member of the cleaning team was on a much earned break. I made sure they were suitable for use and let Corserv (they used to be Cormac, Cleaning Services!) know about this lack of service.

I’m still chasing up other things mentioned in the previous Trio such as the grass verges in New Road car park and the path from Trewetha Lane to Mayfield.

If you’d like to contact me about any parish issues my mobile is: 07494 589 638 or email